Thought Repository


Perhaps I really shouldn't attempt cleverness at 2AM. A friend once relayed to me a piece of advice a professor gave a class he was in. Jokes you think are funny at 3AM when you are making up your presentation won't be when you give the presentation at 9. Don't include them. Well, you don't have to like it. In fact I might prefer that you weren't reading my journal filled personal anecdotes and sometimes secret emotions. Why do I put it on the web then? Who know. I guess it's like watching movies. I can't enjoy my DVD collection, my favorite movies, without someone else to watch it with. If it's just for me, what's the point? I've seen it before, I know what happens. I know my feelings, I'm not going back and reading them anytime soon. Maybe if I pretend there is a legitemate reason for someone else to read them, then it encourages me to get the words one.

In any case, I took the bus to Squirrel Hill today. I waited about 20 mins. When the bus came I got on, but the guy told me that my ID wasn't valid because the bus sticker was expired. That is only the second time in four years a driver has cared, and I rarely remember to keep my sticker current. So I got off and told him I'd just wait for the next bus. I suppose it was a mean thing to do, to imply that his efforts to stop me from doing something I wasn't supposed to were useless. They are. The last time a driver wouldn't let me get on with an expired sticker I didn't have money, this time I did it on principle. He told me he'd make sure to let the other driver know I was waiting. Of course the next bus, the one right behind him, was probably what he meant, but it was not a bus I could take to where I was going so it didn't matter. Another 15 minutes wait was well worth the satisfaction of getting away with it. I wasn't really doing anything wrong. I paid for the current sticker, I just haven't gotten it yet because I'm lazy and it is rarely neccessary.

Anyways, I went for three reasons. I needed to return The Ring to Blockbuster. I wanted to go to EB Games to see if there were any computer or console games I wanted to buy. Between the house's XBox and Steve's PS2 and GameCube I have access to all the major consoles. I felt I needed something to play this summer, after a very boring day. It is a great way to kill time, something I have far to much of this summer. I'm sure I'd rather a better way to spend it. Some cool project or adventure or new people. I hope I come up with that because this trip didn't go well. The problem is that I don't like video games. I couldn't find anything I wanted to play. The only game I could even think of that I wanted was Azurik. I started playing it last summer on the ETC's XBox because it was there and our house's power was out. I never got to finish because the summer ended the XBox went away. The thing is, it is a terrible game and even gamers think so. Why is it that I want to play a game that truely sucks, even though I hate games that are supposed to be good?

I want my Uru beta NOW! Uru is going to be the new Myst MMORPG. I love the Myst genre. Both the style of gameplay with all those puzzles and the rich plot line. I've played all three games and read all three books. Actually, I own all three games and books. I love the concept of a MMORPG where I can be in a social environment while living out an exciting life more like a game. I haven't been intrigued by any of the ones I've seen in terms of style of the world or the story, but here's one I'm already addicted to, before it's even out. I wish I new about it sooner, although maybe that would make the waiting worse. It isn't supposed to come out till holiday time. I'll buy it whenever but I expect it to do bad things for my productivity when I'm busy. Right now I need it. I have the free time and I want something to take it. I wish they would just realize that between my free time, my interest in the Myst universe, experience with MMORPG's that I've watched my friends play, and my experience in computer software developement, testing, and debugging I'd be the perfect person to add to the beta, right now.
