Stayton Board


  • I have compiled the J2ME CDC + foundation classes, which is a small embedded Java VM. I have made the binaries available on the download page (source still to come).
  • When running java, to set the classpath, instead of using -classpath use -Djava.class.path=.
  • You will need to compile (javac) on your developement machine and then download the classes to the Stayton.
  • I have also compiled RXTX, an open source implementation of of the Java Communications API for Linux. I had to modify the code to work around a bug on the Stayton. You can download the binaries and my modified source from the download page.
  • Note that while it works like the Java CommAPI and most of the calls are the same, it is in the package, not javax.comm. You may want to view the RXTX JavaDocs.
  • To use RXTX, when you run java, use the following options. java -Djava.class.path=<path to RXTXcomm.jar> -Djava.library.path=<path to other RXTX files<