Thought Repository

Sparky Awareness Month

Some crazy stuff has been going on with me lately and I thought now would be a good time for a quick update to let people know (meant to do it last week but I'm lazy). April was a very busy month. It started with trips to see my family for Passover and the usual trip to Pittsburgh for booth. We missed Hirsch but that gave me the current longest unbroken streak of 10 years. Then last week happened.

First, last Monday I ran 8 miles of the Boston Marathon. My mom was supposed to run it and was doing it on behalf of a charity which she had already raised money for. Unfortunately an injury meant she couldn't do the whole thing so she decided we would split it up as a relay. My sister kept her company running the first 6.5 miles. I was supposed to run the next 6.5 (the flat part). My stepdad would run the 3rd quarter (the hills), and then my mom would rejoin and finish with either my stepdad or sister (or both it turned out in the end) keeping her company. My leg ended up being longer because they met me at the wrong spot (but it was my fault because I plugged the wrong train station into the GPS). I hadn't really trained and 8 miles is the farthest I've ever run, but I did pretty well. This week I've started my regular morning running and this is the earliest in the year I ever have.

Then on Tuesday I started a new job at Harmonix, the makers of Guitar Heroes 1 and 2 and currently the Rock Band series. It is a pretty big change to take a full-time job and move into the game industry. It is definitely the most "real" job I've had and the biggest place I've worked. It will definitely take some getting used to and I miss my old super flexible schedule. But it is a very cool place to work. The commute is great because it is in central square so it is easy to take the T there or bike which I've started doing. I'll be supporting all the networking components of their games. And the crazy part of this story is that I'd never played Rock Band before I got the job there.

On Thursday I got a pretty shady invite to see a sneak preview of the new Star Trek movie. At first when we got there we thought we'd be punked actually, but it turned out we'd just spoken to the wrong person and eventually did get in. It was pretty cool to get to do. I was kind of disappointed by the movie but I think I'll have to wait until people see it to talk about why because I don't want to give anything away. I was looking out for Randy Pausch who I knew was in it but I missed him because he was in the very first scene.


Crossposted from LiveJournal:

Cool on the running and the job part!

I didn't know that about Randy Pausch. But now he's forever in Star Trek continuity!

[info]matthewljacobs — 4/30/2009 11:35 pm

Crossposted from LiveJournal:

Quick questions:

What are you up to on Thursday? A friend an I are going to Trivia night in Allston; Snyder and Bagel might join us. Are you free and can you join us? It should be fun!

For Star Trek; where'd you see it, and did you see it on an IMAX screen? I own IMAX stock, (done really well lately) and wanted to make sure it wasn't overpriced.

[info]camiolo — 5/04/2009 02:23 pm