Thought Repository

Scheduling time for madness

For those of you who haven't seen my schedule... So I'm officially insane I think. I do too much. I wish I could deal with classes. I really envy people who can. I should be writing a paper now, but no, no I'm not. I wish I could be a good student, because I always had friends that were and I never felt good enough for them. But I just can't get into my classes. I don't really care about them. Everything else I do is just so much more enriching and rewarding. Why do I even have to take classes? Somes I wish my teachers would realize that the other stuff that I do is actually much more important than their class and cut me some slack, but that won't happen.

Speaking not being able to get into my classes, I finally got into my computer engineering class. Funny story. I got 101 on the first exam. It was supposed to be out of 100 but problem 1, which was supposed to be out of 35 points, if you added up the parts, was actually worth 36. Apparently the TA's noticed it when grading but thought it wouldn't matter because no one would get 101. I did and apparently there was some pressure on the grader of the last problem to take off points so I wouldn't. Anyways, in class all the TA's are giving me shit about it, and the professor decides to announce to the class that someone got 101 and then look around the room for me. Luckily he didn't see me, even though I was right in front of him in the second row where I always sit. So after the class I go up to him and ask him, "So can I be the class now?" He laughed and told me that there must be an open spot in some other section and go talk to Dean Kale and get in but still go to my lab section with my partner. However when my friend Jeremy talked to Mark Stehlik (CS advisor and all around awesome guy) the next day, he thought the story was funny so he just put me straight into the section I wanted. Sweet.

Back to the schedule nightmare. So I am way overscheduled. Everyone tells me I have to let something go but I can't. My classes are all required to graduate. They are the things I'm least interested in. What would be the first thing to go is the 180% I've been putting in for BVW. I just can't cut back. As much as 10 hours a week in the mocap lab sucks, I love doing it. I just love helping people. Class is great. I never feel what I do is enough. I always want to do more I just don't have the time. The students are all really cool. It is kind of cool to interact with people who ordinarily are on my level or above from this position of power I have. I hope it doesn't affect my ability to be friends with the ones I wished I'd known sooner. How can I be a senior? I really haven't even started yet. Up next to people who get all involved with all sorts of clubs and groups I feel like I do nothing, and I regret my narrow horizon view of the world from Pittsburgh. I'm not saying that I'd want to study abroad (he he he, I'm really not mature enough to say that without laughing), but I wish that would would want to. Does that make sense?

How off track I get. So today was the ultimate scheduling day from hell. Besides classes I had waiter duty, 2 mocap sessions schedules, and tons of unstarted work due tomorrow. As an aside, on Tuesday I received as pair of shoes with collapsable wheels that I ordered as a way to go faster so that I combat insanely close scheduling like today. Well I blew it. While doing my waiter duty and unloading the dishwasher (Hobart), some hot (160ºF) water dripped on me. I pulled my hand away really fast and hit it on the edge of the underside of the shelf, cutting my hand, requiring 3 stitches. It ruined my schedule and made me miss much of my mocap ( :-) I like alliteration, and that wasn't even on purpose).

I have some new idea about how this website can be more about the journal and less about stuff I'm not going to do. Later!
